Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reflections on State of Education Interview

On Sept. 27, 2010, Matt Lauer interviewed President Obama on the state of Education in the Nation. There were many generalizations but the larger issues talked about were; removal of poor teachers, charter schools, math and science scores, longer school year, quality and preparation of teachers, parent accountability and more. See transcript- Are we seeing true reform in any of these areas? I'm encouraged when I hear the President speak on education, but I want to see examples. Where are the charter schools making a difference? Why can't we model that? Why don't we remove poor performaing teachers? This is a complicated answer, I know. How about teacher's salaries? Good teachers don't stay because they are often tempted with a better paying job and can we really raise a family on a teacher's salary? I believe President Obama does have a good perspective on the state of education in our nation. Of course he doesn't have all the answers, but in the end he continues to talk about it and bring attention to the needs. Keep the conversations going.

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