Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Old Friend is New Again

I love WebQuests. I've had a love for them from as early as the late 1990's, when I was first exposed to them. They were an engaging, high-level thinking, web-based activity that I used with my students. I have to admit, they were time consuming to make, but the good ones were well worth the investment. How can anything from the 90's be relevant to technology integration today? Well, because the focus isn't on the technology. I also used Hyperstudio back then. That is dated. But Hyperstudio (another love) was a technology tool, easily replaced with the next best multimedia tech tool. WebQuests, however, is a lesson structure that allows students to think critically, solve problems, collaborate and use internet resources wisely. Sounds like 21st century skills to me. Whatever the new term is. WebQuests are still relevant.

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